Thursday, February 26, 2009

Shifting from terrible to TERRIFIC!!!!

THE DAILY GROOVE ~ by Scott Noelle

:: Terrible Two's & Rebellious Teens... NOT! ::

(Continued from yesterday -- full text at )

Developmentally, toddlers and Teens have one thing
in common: they're on the verge of a quantum leap in
personal autonomy. They're on a mission to become
*themselves* -- to get in touch with their Inner Power
more than ever before.

Anytime they feel imposed upon or coerced, that
mission is blocked, and they instinctively protest.
In nature-based, pleasure-oriented, partnership
cultures, such protests are rarely triggered, so
terrible two's and teen rebellions rarely occur.

But in our anti-nature, control-oriented culture,
parents are expected (if not required *by law*) to
oppose or control children's natural developmental
impulses toward personal empowerment, which
guarantees the terribles!

The shift from terrible to terrific begins with your
commitment to creative partnership. Then, whenever
your child exhibits "terrible" behavior, you can
re-interpret it as evidence of his or her unfolding
autonomy, and ask yourself this:

"How can I use my creativity
to support my child's growth
in a way that works for ALL of us?"

I especially like this "The shift from terrible to terrific begins with your
commitment to creative partnership. Then, whenever
your child exhibits "terrible" behavior, you can
re-interpret it as evidence of his or her unfolding
autonomy" as it remind me to love my child FOR WHERE SHE IS rather then where I WANT her to be.
Great stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I saw your blog mentioned on Homefires list. I would like for you to participate in my interviews. Can you email me?

    daharbeson @ (take out the spaces)
