She's been celebrating Spring Equinox since she as long as she can remember, and often talks about her egg hunt when she was 2 (she's watched the video of that about a GAJILLION times ;) )
We usually take a leisurely two days for our seasonal holidays. On Ostara day we had a lovely dinner out at one of our favorite restaurants,, and then Kathrynn went to the UU for a wonderfully intimate Ostara ritual. Kathrynn banished fear of pain, and welcomed good health.... and we planted flower seeds into our wishes for the year. It was a wonderful ceremony. :)
Kathrynn continues to love Star Wars, and has been asking for a Jar Jar Binks and an Naboo fighter plane, so this was her Ostara present. Boy was she excited!!!!!!!!
The next day was a day filled with beautiful Sun, planting activities, and lots of Eggs!
She and wes were busy most of the morning putting together our square foot gardening boxes ( She was very proud and excited over their accomplishments. :)
I joined into help and then got busy planting some more seeds. :)
Later in the afternoon I hid the plastic eggs that I had filled with yummy snacks, as is our tradition every year. :) I LOVE this part of Ostara, because it fills kathrynn with such innocent Joy. It was super cute watching her find the various eggs hidden around our yard. I took a video of her looking for the last egg, which eluded her for quite some time. ;)
Then i couldn't resist taking some video of her opening the eggs for their hidden treasures. :)
After that we moved onto dying eggs and decorating them. Unfortunately by this point I had realized that something was horribly amiss with my back, and i was experiencing a lovely pinching sensation in my lower back. But I did get a few good pictures before I retired to the bed. :)
I'm so grateful for Spring finally getting here, and it was a wonderful celebration to welcome her in!