Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Word for 2009........
Christine Kane gave me the great idea last year to choose a word and focus on it for the year....
The word I choose was Joy- I wanted to be able to make choices in my life with Joy in mind. I wanted Joy to be a key motivator for my choices.

That word made my relationship with my husband stronger, my connection and partnership with my daughter even stronger, and made me feel like a *better* person on a variety of levels....
And yet........ I think that this year's word will unleash a Joy that i've yet to experience..... :P


This year my word - the word that I want to hold in my mind throughout each moment- the word I want to guide each action- is Trust.

I will trust that each moment is as it should be. This will take some "work"- i'm thinking the Byron Katie variety. :) (

I will stay in *my* business. (

I will let go of my need to control. I will release worry....fear....judgment.... all those things that can get in the way of Joy.

I will *Trust*.

So, begone pesky records playing in my head.... telling me to worry about this, to try to control that..... BYE BYE!!!!!

Hello Authentic Joy!

Hello Trust!

1 comment:

  1. That is a fantastic idea. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to pinch your 2008 word to be my 2009 word. I've not known much joy really, and I'd like to give it a go!

    "I wanted to be able to make choices in my life with Joy in mind. I wanted Joy to be a key motivator for my choices."

    Yep, I'm up for that!

    I hope Trust works just as well for you next year! Happy new year to you. :) xx
