Three generations of moms.... Mimi, Me, (Papa Baby doll and Kathrynn) and my Mom
My mom is going on a retreat this weekend, and my dad asked me to write her a note for some bonus support. Here is what I wrote. I love you mom!
Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind
Kahlil Gibran
A friend, who had had a very difficult childhood after loosing his mother at an early age, reminded me just yesterday how lucky my own child is, in that she is “receiving” a beautiful childhood from me.
I had to stop and give Gratitude for my own childhood, and for the role you took in my childhood. My mind was filled with lots of great memories from those days. As I pondered those moments and my gratitude, that gratitude for your Presence in my life during those childhood years kept extending….. into my teen age years, my young adult years, my college years….. post college years…. Into the present day…..
Your Presence was taken for granted back then, as I didn’t understand the Magnitude of having a mother be there when I got home from school. Or a mother who delivered me to swim practice at 5am, and then brought a hot home made breakfast to me before school started. A mother who attended sport events, took me to social events, and hosted sleep overs. A mother who always made sure I had clean clothes to wear, and a balanced meal to eat. Who packed my lunch until I was 18 years old, and would have done it longer. ☺
Your Presence didn’t stop when I moved out- you continued to support me and nourish me while in college. Surprise care packages, weekend visits and phone calls to see what I was up to. Reading my project papers. Doing my laundry. ☺
When I moved to Greece for a year, you visited me two times, temporarily filling a loneliness that ran deep and wide, and that only a Mother’s Love could fill. We explored the land, took part in wonderful foods and wine, and enjoyed the company of each other.
Years later, as I now have my own daughter, your Presence continues to stand with me at all times. Your Love and Connection to me can be felt Always- no matter where I am, no matter where you are. Your Being is always Connected to my Being. This Presence, *Your* Presence, has resulted in a beautiful Connection that been the most beautiful gift. Thank you, Mom. ☺
That was beautiful! Your mom sounds like a complete gem.